Skeletons in your closet? Bring them to our Halloween costume swap on Saturday, Oct. 7

Is your attic or storage space haunted by clutter? Get rid of that box of old Halloween costumes by bringing it to our first ever Waite Park Halloween Costume Swap.

Bring your clean, gently used Halloween costumes, props and clothing to Waite Park on Saturday, October 7, from 4 to 6 p.m. We will have tables to display your items for others to browse and take home.

Selling of items is not allowed — this event is for sharing only. By reusing items, we can collectively reduce waste and consumption.

Please do not bring items that could be dangerous (e.g. metal pirate swords that are sharp, cap guns that actually shoot, etc.) or harmful, otherwise we welcome costumes of all shapes, sizes, and styles. 

The event will take place outdoors, but in case of rain will be moved to the gymnasium in the Waite Park Recreation Center, 1810 34th Avenue Northeast.

All are welcome to attend and enjoy a bonfire and s'mores and connection with your neighbors, even if you don't plan to participate in the costume swap!